Rapid growth businesses

Your business is growing; sales are picking up. You need more staff and equipment but cashflow is tight. If you don’t take action now, your business could stumble along for years going nowhere until your will to live is sapped, and your business declines and dies.

Common signs:

  • Cash flow requirements are outstripping sales
  • You can’t service the customers you already have properly, yet you need more sales
  • Sales have peaked because your sales staff are not properly managed
  • The same problems crop up again and again
  • No one is sure of their responsibilities, resulting in the ‘blame game’
  • Rising tension and frustration result in periodic blow-ups
  • Staff seem to spend their time reinventing the wheel or needing your input
  • You are constantly fire-fighting so strategic projects never get off the drawing board
  • Deadlines are missed, budgets are exceeded
  • Customer service standards slip and customer loyalty is cracking
  • Profits are declining
  • The business lacks direction
  • You are spending longer and longer at work struggling to keep it going

Where now?

The time has come to work ON your business not IN it. These programmes will turn your business around: